By Cloé Caron, PCC, Certified Coach
Back to school! This time of the year means excitement for some and stress for others. What category did you fall into when you were a kid? Today? At the dawn of this new school year, it even seems that many of our managers are exhausted to the point of considering resigning (Bloomberg: Senior managers on the brink of quitting). Can organizations afford to have many of their managers resign? No, of course not.
One of the reasons why leaders are exhausted and want to resign is because they exert undue pressure on themselves. I believe that they too often confuse responsibility for results with the responsibility of carrying out the work of their team to achieve those results. This is what I call the “competency gap”. In my opinion, the frenzy that the pandemic generated has accelerated this false belief among our leaders that they are indispensable. They fell into the “competency gap” by taking part in operations rather than seizing this opportunity to make better strategic choices and grow their team. They still see themselves as musicians and have lost sight of the need to evolve from “musician” to “orchestra conductor.” They are now exhausted and disengaged.
We need to support our leaders. They have to manage the fall uncertainty generated by the fourth wave and must make this change by taking on a role that I call leader-coach. Isn’t this the best way to avoid burnout and keep them engaged while allowing organizations to achieve their goals?