One Team Journey

The most flexible & hybrid program on the market, to help you deploy the full potential of your leaders and create the necessary – and sustainable – change in your teams. Following our 5C Model to empower your team, our program aims to equip your leaders to be managers who create a culture of inclusion, diversity, accountability, innovation and engagement, by developing their coaching skills to become the leader their team needs.

Who is the programs for?

This leadership training journey is designed for every team who knows that building trust, alignment and team efficiency are the levers to having a positive and sustainable impact on their organization.

The most flexible program on the market to harness your leaders and teams’ full potential and create the necessary and lasting changes in your teams


Team Efficiency & Performance

Do you feel that your teams effectiveness is at its best?


Team Engagement

Is your team well aligned to achieve common goals through real collaboration?



Is the organization holding their leaders accountable for their decisions and actions?


Employee’s Development

Are your managers drivers for the development of their team members?

Our Approach

We strongly believe that everyone can achieve their professional goals by strategically adjusting their mindset and their behaviors . This is why, we help and guide individuals and teams evolve within their organization, by giving them the right tools.



Adopt a clear vision of the results you want.



Explore your options to achieve your targeted goals. 



Create a concrete action plan which leads you to successfully reach your goals.

TOP 5 indicators of coaching impact that have been observed


Improved team functioning


Increased engagement


Increased productivity


Improved employee relations


Faster leadership development

Empower your Team

A Practical Guide for Strategic Leaders

Thanks to the tools, models, exercises and testimonies in her book, Cloé Caron, coach PCC allows you to autonomously start your evolution as a leader today. #empoweryourteam

Companies that entrusted us