your Team
A Practical Guide for Strategic Leaders
Thanks to the tools, models, exercises and testimonies in her book, Cloé Caron, coach PCC allows you to autonomously start your evolution as a leader today. #empoweryourteam
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Jack Canfield, Author of several Best Seller books
A truly practical guide for leaders daily lives
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Ready to make the small but imperative changes to reach big results?
If you’re like most managers we know then you wish to positively impact your team and organization. You’ve undoubtedly read dozens of books on leadership. Nonetheless, your challenge remains applying the notions you’ve read on your daily life, right?
That’s when Empower Your Team stands out! In this step-by-step guide, Cloé Caron shares her unique 5-step model(5C) on which you can rely on to become the best version of yourself. A guide for everyone, enabling the necessary changes (no matter how small) to take place to allow you to be the leader your team needs.
In the following 24 hours after reading this book, you’ll elevate your game towards the highest strategic level possible, to empower your collaborators and your team so in return they can offer their full strategic contribution and continuously innovate. Yes, it’s possible! And Empower Your Team demonstrates it by allowing you to reach unexpected results.
Discover the programs related to the book
Empower your Team
Team performance
Individual leadership development
Individual HR skills development
About the Author
Executive coach, president and founder of o2 Coaching, speaker and author, Cloé Caron has helped hundreds of leaders and their teams improve their strategic posture and team effectiveness.
“This book is the result of my experience as a strategic coach and a dozen interviews with CEOs and management team members from various industries. It offers food for thought, real-life experiences, real testimonials, evaluation tools, and exercises to support you in your day-to-day work and development. My objective is to encourage you to establish habits that will provide you and your team with tangible results.”
During the writing process of this book, the author obtained the perspective, vision and ways these successful leaders manage their team and organization.
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