By Cloé Caron, PCC, certified coach
After 2 years adapting to this pandemic, stacking one emotional/professional/personal adjustment after another, you thought you were coming back physically to the office in January… You imagined face-to-face meetings, lively lunches and conversations in the doorway… In other words, you thought you had done enough stacking. All of this would allow you to finally reconnect with your colleagues. How many times have I heard in the last few months, “It’s going to be so much easier when we come back to the office after the holidays.” And that return is still postponed to a later and unidentified date – more stacking! The need to reconnect has never been greater than it is today. But can we afford to wait until we all get to our normal life? Normal has been redefined and people need to unstack regardless of physically being together or not. I don’t believe we can afford to wait any longer to get unstacked…
Getting unstacked starts with us, it starts with you …. What will get you unstacked? At your core? I believe it’s the way we continue to develop ourselves and find tools to connect differently, at a deeper level with ourselves and others. I am thinking of what a client, François, whose team we support in a One Team journey told me yesterday “Cloé, I am so happy that we started a One Team journey together: we are having real conversations about important topics and it gives us common objectives, a sense of direction and the tools to be better leaders and to engage all the employees of our sector at a time where people need it the most.” What about you? Do you have the tools to engage your people and create a sense of deep connection and engagement? They need it so badly and I’m pretty sure you need it too. This is what I wish for you at the start of the year: to develop the tools to create connection and engagement with yourself and with others at a level that will make the difference for the human beings we are… and help us unstack, regardless of the external conditions.